
Thursday 31 May 2012

Rain...Rain...Go away.

Gatsby had another wonderful....for a lack of a better word... surprise me today. Gatsby had called me over to his home and he seemed nervous and excited at the same time.  Gatsby had wanted me to call Daisy over my so that he could re kindle his past love with daisy again. Gatsby had offered several things from cutting my grass to even making me a lot of money. I didn't care for the offers and was a little offended by them...I agreed to setting this whole ordeal up. 

 I was shocked but not really surprised that Daisy was glad to see Gatsby...Although when they did meet it was bittersweet. At first it was awkward and weird between the two as if they had so much to say but no one wanted to be the first to say it. Gatsby then proceeded to invite Daisy and myself over to his home. Daisy was in awe of how Gatsby lives such an expensive lifestyle. It was so odd to see Gatsby in such excitement. Gatsby went on to start to throw his expensive and stunning shirts around the house and acted like a kid at a candy store. Daisy and Gatsby had moved to his yard where they both took a look at the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. Gatsby then went on to explain how he would spend endless nights looking at that green light and wishing for his dreams with Daisy to come true.

Gatsby and Daisy have had been rejuvenated this night. Their love is running as fast as possible and Gatsby and Daisy truly shared a moment together that night.

- Nick

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