
Thursday 31 May 2012

The Great Gatsby: Literature Connection

The Great Gatsby is the leader in American Literature following the 1920s. With the production of The Great Gatsby the literature world was turned on its head and left to dry.  During that era there was a group of writers that lead the pack and they are as follows:  Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, and T.S. Eliot, and of course F. Scott Fitzgerald. This pack of writers would actually meet up together to critic one another’s work. I find that amazing and so interesting cause I would never think of any writers that would sit down with each other and made sure that one novel would do so well. It’s outstanding to picture all those creative minds in one room just pooling their ideas. It gives me goose bumps. We have to understand the time period in which this novel was written. It was a time of trouble and depression especially after the war. So for a author to come out of the shadows in a shady time and scared era and produce such masterpiece was something for the history books.

- Adam Appugliesi

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