
Thursday 31 May 2012

From Bottom to Top

This is my completed ISU. In this blog I write as if I am the characters in the novel and I try to portray their personas throughout the novel. I also have my own blog entries near the end where I comment on my opinion on the book and some of the characters. I speak on the relation between The Great Gatsby and art, film, and literature. As well as I give some brief character analysis. I do hope whomever reads this blog does enjoy it as I have put hard work into it and I had allot of fun doing it at as well.

* When reading the blog please read from my first post in April to my last post at on May 31st. Just continue to click on “older posts” at the bottom or click on the April tag *


All of my citing can be found under the page titled " Citation " underneath my title next to "Home" on the left side of my blog.

The Great Gatsby: Film Connection

Very soon there is a modern day production of The Great Gatsby being released. After reading this novel I went straight to watching the trailer and I was very excited to watch it. Even if you have not read the novel it is hard to not be a fan of this upcoming film. The film being produced simply backs up how much people respect the novel and how much it has impacted literature today.

- Adam Appugliesi
The Great Gatsby Trailer

The Great Gatsby: Art Connection

My favourite part of The Great Gatsby is the connection between the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg and a great power as well as the connection to art. We are watched every day and every minute by a greater power that watches our every move. In The Great Gatsby that higher power is the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg which is a billboard that looks down upon the people that have disregarded their spiritual values so that they may pursue the value of wealth and love. 

The second connection between the billboard belongs to art. The billboard resembles a type of art called Byzantine. This art is the type of work that looks back at the viewer. Its quite complex but a stunning idea. If you have looked at a piece of art that has a person or a face on it and it seems like it is watching your every step then that is a Byzantine.

This all co-relates to how the eyes of T.J.Eckleburg is a greater power or a watcher of New York and is looking down on the city.

- Adam Appugliesi

The Great Gatsby: Literature Connection

The Great Gatsby is the leader in American Literature following the 1920s. With the production of The Great Gatsby the literature world was turned on its head and left to dry.  During that era there was a group of writers that lead the pack and they are as follows:  Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, and T.S. Eliot, and of course F. Scott Fitzgerald. This pack of writers would actually meet up together to critic one another’s work. I find that amazing and so interesting cause I would never think of any writers that would sit down with each other and made sure that one novel would do so well. It’s outstanding to picture all those creative minds in one room just pooling their ideas. It gives me goose bumps. We have to understand the time period in which this novel was written. It was a time of trouble and depression especially after the war. So for a author to come out of the shadows in a shady time and scared era and produce such masterpiece was something for the history books.

- Adam Appugliesi

Character Analysis: Nick Carraway

Nick Carraway is an interesting character. He is truly the voice of the author and has a big influence in Gatsby’s life.  Nick is by Gatsby’s side all the time in the later part of the novel and really guides Gatsby into making the correct choices. Gatsby’s trusts nick and want him to know everything about him. In my eyes Nick seems to gain affection for Gatsby because of the life he lives. I say this because Nick is so worked up in understanding Gatsby’s life and is always trying to come to the bottom of Gatsby’s history. Nick is the perfect fit for a narrator because he has the right attributes. Nick is a calm and consoling character who always has an open heart and mind to everyone else’s ideas. In result this allows Gatsby and Jordan Baker to open up to him so that he can figure out what is going on in their lives.

- Adam Appugliesi

Character Analysis: Gatsby

Gatsby is a character that everyone can relate to. Earlier in my blog posts I mentioned that Gatsby is someone who I respect and I stand by that to this day. Of course I don’t condone his actions with the organized crime but I respect his ambition and his will to survive.  Gatsby is like any man or woman, of course without the obsessive side to him but you must understand what he is living for. He wants a woman to love him and he wanted to be wealthy. I’m sure there are thousands of people in the world that have the same dreams like Gatsby. The sad thing is that Gatsby had the money but the money didn’t save him or protect him from his death.  He ended up in a pool dead with no money to save him or with Daisy by his side. Daisy is what Gatsby lived for and woke up every morning for.  Gatsby has been living in the past this whole time and chasing after a dream or a “Green Light” that has already out ran him. Again I understand why Gatsby has gone to the lengths he has to gain Daisy’s affection.  It’s just horrible to see a man die like that when they didn’t understand his dream.

- Adam Appugliesi

Chapters 6-9 Thoughts!

 I have just completed the novel and I can strongly say that this is one of my favourite novels.  Chapter 6 we see the unavailing of the story behind Gatsby and his past. I enjoyed the chapter 6 mainly because of the Dan Cody section. Dan Cody is described a very successful man who has the world at his finger tips and he enjoys life.  In other words Dan Cody is living the American dream.  Gatsby from a young age was surrounded by Dan and that is why Gatsby has always wanted to be successful and chase after the American dream.

Chapter 7 really blows the book out of the water. In this chapter we see Gatsby and Tom completely confront each other about what has been going on with Daisy and who truly has her love. Chapter 7 was an interesting chapter and really put all the pieces of the puzzle together for me and it did leave me wondering with what could possibly happen in the end.

Chapter 8 is the nail in the coffin for Gatsby. Gatsby knows that Daisy won’t be with him at all. With Gatsby knowing this he has nothing to live for because his "Green Light" has been turned off and that was his purpose for living. Gatsby threw all the parties and had the shirts from England all so that he could match up with Daisy on a social status.

Chapter 9 wrapped the whole book up beautifully and really did make this the perfect book for me. It shows that wealth does not buy you happiness. Gatsby didn't have any one show up to his funeral...not even Meyer Wolfsheim would show up.

- Adam Appugliesi

When its all said and done....

I attempted to put a funeral together for Gatsby but that didn’t go no where as no one would show up not even Meyer.  Mr. Gatz...Gatsby’s father came and spoke about his son as he only wanted the best for him as well as Gatsby just wanted to make a name for him and try to become a wealthy successful man.

I ran into Tom later that day...Tom told me he was the one that told Wilson that Gatsby had killed Myrtle. I had no words to describe the emotions that ran through my body. I respect Gatsby and what he had done. He was a man of success and ambition. 

When it’s all said and done Gatsby was chasing after a dream that was behind him. He wanted Daisy but he was just trying to relive the past and I told him to leave it behind him.

Imagine this land years ago...Same people just a different dream...the American dream. We are all like Gatsby in one way. We have a dream and we will go to great lengths to reach it.

-Nick Carraway.

The leaves are starting to fall...

Gatsby had died.

I guess Wilson had it all figured out. He knew his wife was having an affair with the man that was driving the Yellow car and made the connection with Gatsby. He wanted his revenge and knew it had to be Gatsby. Apparently from the police report and Wilson walked to Gatsby while he was in his pool and shot him and then proceeded to shoot himself. With his dream not achieved nor Daisy around him what else did Gatsby have to live for...

- Nick

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

God demands revenge.

- Wilson

Just a sad love story.

Gatsby the next morning had just opened up to me. He made it clear that Daisy and him were nothing special besides the fact that they had made love and that's all he could get out of her. He was not worthy of a relationship because her status in life was greater than his. Gatsby had to portray this fake persona to get Daisy to notice him but still he was nothing he was only worth her love in bed.

Moments later Gatsbys gardner says that he wants to drain the pool because the leaves are going to start to fall and he doesnt want to ruin the pool. Gatsby simply wanted to swim once so he tells the gardnerer to wait a day so that he could swim.


Hottest Day Ever

What in Gods name has happened....Myrtle has died. 

Gatsby didn’t have a party tonight and when I stopped by his home all his servants were fired and he had some strange men working for him. Later on everyone was invited to the Buchanan’s home where things got carried away. Tom of course was on the phone with his mistress... and Gatsby & Daisy were together kissing each other in another room. All hell broke loose in the mind of Gatsby when he was introduced to Daisy & Toms daughter. Gatsby didn’t know what to do with him. I’ve never seen him so heartbroken. This is the least of Gatsby’s worries though...Tom then found out about the affair that was going on between Daisy and Gatsby. Tom had caught on to the way they were speaking to one another and was having none of that in his home. We all later end up at a Suite Plaza where the hottest day ever just got hotter. Tom approaches Gatsby and calls him and Daisy out on having an affair. Gatsby then ends up telling Tom that Daisy never loved him. Tom refused to agree with this and said she does love him and he loves her. Gatsby re assures Tom that Daisy is going to leave him because she does not love him.

Tom does not know what to do at this time so he asks Daisy if she ever loved him....she says no...At first. Tom continued to ask her where Daisy then admitted she did at one point in time love Tom but not anymore. 

Tom then breaks out and reveals Gatsby is a bootlegger!
Gatsby attempted to deny this but none of us really believed him.

We all fell witness to death then. We drove right into the valley of ashes to find a dead body. It was Myrtle. Gatsby had killed Myrtle...or at least that what he wanted to everyone to think. Gatsby told me later that night Daisy had ran over Myrtle in his car so to cover for her he will take the blame. 

I had realized that night that Tom and Daisy have then forgave each other. This is not what Gatsby wanted to neither see nor hear. The end is near.

- Nick

Just like old times...

Gatsby is a mad man....A mad man in love.

Gatsby and I were together this evening until Tom Buchanan showed up with the Sloanes. We all spent some time together and it was interesting to say the least. Gatsby was asking for trouble with the way he was acting towards Tom. Even Tom was acting weird as well as he is smelling the love between the Daisy and Gatsby but cant seem to catch on to them. A couple days later Gatsby threw another party...but this one wasnt like the others at all. Everyone is drunk and acting hostile. I cant seem to understand why their was so much tension at this event compared to others. I understand that Tom is acting up lately and is so close to seeing the love between Daisy and Gatsby but this doesnt seem right to me. There must be something else going on. It reminds me of escapes me though.


James Gatz

I didn’t expect this at all! A man from the city had arrived to my home to find out information on Gatsby. Apparently rumors have been spreading out around town about Gatsby’s and his parties. Gatsby was really "James Gatz" Gatsby started out as a 17-year-old boy who had came across a man named Dan Cody a very rich man who owned a yacht. This yacht became Gatsby’s home for the next 5 years as Gatsby became Cody's friend and care taker. Cody then passed away where then he left Gatsby money. This money was never acquired by Gatsby because Cody's life took it all. I didn’t find out all this information to later on in my life...but I felt as if I should share it with you now. Please don’t be too alarmed.


Chapters 1-5 Thoughts!

Hi, this is Adam Appugliesi the owner and creator of this blog on The Great Gatsby.

I have completed 5 Chapters of this novel and I must ensure you it was quite the rollercoaster. Halfway done the book and it is probably one of my favorite books next to Hamlet. The first couple of chapters in this book we are thrown right into the mix of this story with no real background check on the characters which I enjoyed because it keeps you guessing and wondering what are going to happen. When the book describes the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg I am in love with the book at that very moment. Those eyes have such a greater and deeper meaning to them then what the book depicts them as. From what I can only imagine right now I feel as if those eyes resemble something or someone of a greater power that is watching over the people of West/East Egg.

Then the rollercoaster ride really started to get going.  Nick was taken into town with Tom where he was introduced to his mistress. This really caught me off guard and I liked the way the book was headed. Later on in that chapter Tom ends up breaking Myrtles nose because she would repeatedly say Daisy’s name. This is where the book started to take off and I was holding on for the ride.

Now a chapter later we hit a shady part in the novel where Gatsby’s fortune is still not solved. Gatsby threw a party which left me guessing where he knew all these people from and how he could afford to throw such lavish events. Then the book took a turn in to Weirdviille and the population was Gatsby. Gatsby would not attend his own parties but just watch them from the outside in as if he had no purpose to be involved. It seemed as if he Gatsby’s parties had a greater meaning to them but I wasn’t quite sure into later on in the novel as to why he did the things he did.

In my eyes chapter 4 & 5 are the best parts of the book. This is where the whole book is blown open and anything could happen. The idea of Gatsby being involved in Organized Crime is brought into play as well as the love story between Gatsby and Daisy has been introduced. 

- Adam Appugliesi


Silly me I forgot to speak about how much of a thrill Gatsby’s event was that he threw a couple days ago. I must say this quickly because I have such a busy week ahead of me anything could happen! Gatsby's party was exciting and mysterious at the same time. During the party I was around people I have never seen nor heard of before and I don’t even think Gatsby knew some of the people he had invited. Through out the night I had heard stories about who Gatsby is and how he reached his fortune. Jordan and I were set out to get to the bottom of Gatsby and his mysterious ways. We ran into this fellow that looked like an Owl with the shape of his glasses. He didn't seem to be much helping just an odd character. All in all the party was a bunch of fun but Gatsby’s past is still unknown to me.

Oh I forgot to mention that during Gatsby’s parties he tends to not even attend the...Gatsby the whole night was just watching his guest from outside his home. It seemed as if he did not care for the parties and was just having them for the sake of having them


Rain...Rain...Go away.

Gatsby had another wonderful....for a lack of a better word... surprise me today. Gatsby had called me over to his home and he seemed nervous and excited at the same time.  Gatsby had wanted me to call Daisy over my so that he could re kindle his past love with daisy again. Gatsby had offered several things from cutting my grass to even making me a lot of money. I didn't care for the offers and was a little offended by them...I agreed to setting this whole ordeal up. 

 I was shocked but not really surprised that Daisy was glad to see Gatsby...Although when they did meet it was bittersweet. At first it was awkward and weird between the two as if they had so much to say but no one wanted to be the first to say it. Gatsby then proceeded to invite Daisy and myself over to his home. Daisy was in awe of how Gatsby lives such an expensive lifestyle. It was so odd to see Gatsby in such excitement. Gatsby went on to start to throw his expensive and stunning shirts around the house and acted like a kid at a candy store. Daisy and Gatsby had moved to his yard where they both took a look at the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. Gatsby then went on to explain how he would spend endless nights looking at that green light and wishing for his dreams with Daisy to come true.

Gatsby and Daisy have had been rejuvenated this night. Their love is running as fast as possible and Gatsby and Daisy truly shared a moment together that night.

- Nick

Follow the Yellow Car...

Well what a morning if you ask me! Gatsby picked me up this afternoon so that we could go for lunch but that's not all that Gatsby wanted. Gatsby arrived to my home in his massive vehicle... don't get me wrong I think it is a beautiful vehicle but it is simply not my taste in cars.

Gatsby and us ventured into town and on our ride in Gatsby had to settle something with me. Gatsby was well aware that I have been hearing some interesting stories about him and his past. Gatsby had mentioned to me some things that I just couldn't believe were true. He had spoke about attending Oxford University, collected jewels, hunted big game, and to have been awarded medals in the war. I didn’t want to offend Gatsby so I really didn’t call him out on these stories but then all the pieces of the puzzle came together. Gatsby had presented to me a medal from Montenegro as well as a picture of him and some other men from Oxford.

Then something truly strange happened. Of course in typical Gatsby fashion he was speeding through the valley of ashes when he a policeman pulled us over. The officer came to our car and Gatsby simply showed him a white card and the policeman apologized and walked away. This really threw me a curveball because I didn’t understand how Gatsby could manage something like that...It’s not everyday that you see a cop apologize to a man for pulling him over.

Human Molars? How a man does comes across acquiring human Molars as cuff-lings! This Meyer Wolfshiem character was someone that wouldn't let me sleep well at night with his mysterious ways. After meeting this man that had claimed to had fixed the 1919 World Series it really made me think differently about what kind of man Gatsby truly is. If I dare to say it....Gatsby could be involved in organized crime.

After all that was said and done Jordan and I finally sat down and spoke. More like Jordan spoke and I listened. Jordan spoke about how Gatsby is deeply in love with Daisy and always has been ever since the war. This came to me as a surprise because it didn't occur to me that Gatsby was a man that could love someone else besides himself. I say this because Gatsby throws all these events and drives the nice car and has all this wealth that if he were to focus on anything or anyone besides himself that he wouldn't be who he is.

- Nick

Thursday 17 May 2012

Invite Only...

Oh me oh my...So I was just invited to one of those festivals that Gatsby throws all the time.

Don’t get me wrong I mean of course It`s a lovely gesture but me? Invited...I really don’t think I will fit into one of Gatsby’s events.

I guess time will tell on what the night will bring me!

I shall report back after the night is over with...Hopefully sooner than later.

- Carraway 

Shaken, Not Stirred.

Gatsby here! You might know me from all my big gatherings I have at my mansion or...whatever you would like to call it. Back to the order of business...I`m having another party at my home as usual that is and this is your invite! I’m kind of like a big deal...

Anyways before I get too carried away with myself again I hope you can stop by and well enjoy the night with me and all...of my friends!

Must go now as I have to set-up...It should be quite the evening.


Thursday 10 May 2012

Eyes From Above

                                                                     T.J Eckleburg

Life Of The Party.

What a day! Let me tell you...

I went up to New York with tom on the train this afternoon.

he turned to me today during our trip on the train and said... I want you to meet my girl.

So we got off the train in a hurry....passed by a couple places while those damn eyes on the billboard were looking at us...Spooky if you ask me.

We walked into George Wilson's garage...Tom chatted up Mr.Wilson for a while why I kept my eyes peeled around the place for this girl that Tom kept talking about.

Then a ton of bricks hit me...not literally but what was about to happen felt just like it.

So this lovely mid-thirties woman walks down the stairs and walks right past her husband as if he did not even exist and then shakes Tom’s hand.

If you ask me...that wasn't a normal situation at all.

Tom ends up asking Mrs.Wilson to come with him because he wants to spend the night with her. So we all travel back and on the way Mrs.Wilson sees these dogs and simply wants to buy one so that she can bring it to the apartment.

I'm sorry but shouldn't she be more concerned with the affair between Tom and her...or is that just my biggest concern who knows really.

Then it was downhill for the rest of the night. So we were all drinking tonight but Myrtle was getting a little carried away...She started to chant Daisy's name for a couple minutes until Tom told her to stop repeatedly and then that's when Mrs.Wilson refused to. Tom didn't take that no for answer so with and open palm hand he broke Myrtles nose. That suddenly brought the night to and ends where I ended up taking the 4 a.m train home.

...And I said life didn't have any thrills to it anymore.

- Carraway

So I’m back...Unfortunately but I must say adding to this blog is the most exciting part of my day because as you might know the bond business isn't the most thrilling...

Speaking about thrills... Today I was venturing around town, I guess you could say I was doing some sightseeing and I came across this area...the Valley Of Ashes is what it’s called. This place gave me chills down my spine when I drove past it. It’s filled with ashes and some quite strange men who come out every once and a while to clean up.

What did give me a thrill were the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. The eyes of T.J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic, they look out of no face, but instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-existent nose.

Damn would you look at the time....I must leave I have to catch a train with Tom

Till we meet again devilish Blog!

- Carraway

Monday 30 April 2012

Testing The Waters.

Well I hope this damn thing works...I am a Carraway after all so we are known for a work hard quality. Any who I don't want to babble on but I've have just landed in the wonderful East and I am more than excited to take over in the bond business. First things first I must find some rooms in the city...there was this kind man at work that suggested we shack up together...not like that of course but because of simple fact that this is a commuting town. 

Just set up shop in the new home and I must say this whole West Egg lifestyle is something alright. I live by some ignoramus home that is looked after by a family named the Gatsby's...Interesting home to say the least.

Ahh...East Egg is where my heart is. I drove over there this evening to have dinner with the Tom Buchanans. Daisy was my second cousin once removed, and I'd known Tom in college. After the war i spent a couple days with them in Chicago.

Huh, Tommy boy is really living the life over there on the East Egg...

Some lady...Miss Baker if my memory serves me correct was at dinner tonight...She was a character alright but she did seem kind of bored after dinner and didn't care for what was being said. Then again she is a Golfer so her life can’t be to exciting..

Mr.Gatsby made a cameo during the night but not for long as for when I stepped out it had seem that he vanished in to the dark night...spooky?

Till we meet again "Blog"....Take Care.