
Thursday 31 May 2012

From Bottom to Top

This is my completed ISU. In this blog I write as if I am the characters in the novel and I try to portray their personas throughout the novel. I also have my own blog entries near the end where I comment on my opinion on the book and some of the characters. I speak on the relation between The Great Gatsby and art, film, and literature. As well as I give some brief character analysis. I do hope whomever reads this blog does enjoy it as I have put hard work into it and I had allot of fun doing it at as well.

* When reading the blog please read from my first post in April to my last post at on May 31st. Just continue to click on “older posts” at the bottom or click on the April tag *


All of my citing can be found under the page titled " Citation " underneath my title next to "Home" on the left side of my blog.

The Great Gatsby: Film Connection

Very soon there is a modern day production of The Great Gatsby being released. After reading this novel I went straight to watching the trailer and I was very excited to watch it. Even if you have not read the novel it is hard to not be a fan of this upcoming film. The film being produced simply backs up how much people respect the novel and how much it has impacted literature today.

- Adam Appugliesi
The Great Gatsby Trailer

The Great Gatsby: Art Connection

My favourite part of The Great Gatsby is the connection between the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg and a great power as well as the connection to art. We are watched every day and every minute by a greater power that watches our every move. In The Great Gatsby that higher power is the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg which is a billboard that looks down upon the people that have disregarded their spiritual values so that they may pursue the value of wealth and love. 

The second connection between the billboard belongs to art. The billboard resembles a type of art called Byzantine. This art is the type of work that looks back at the viewer. Its quite complex but a stunning idea. If you have looked at a piece of art that has a person or a face on it and it seems like it is watching your every step then that is a Byzantine.

This all co-relates to how the eyes of T.J.Eckleburg is a greater power or a watcher of New York and is looking down on the city.

- Adam Appugliesi

The Great Gatsby: Literature Connection

The Great Gatsby is the leader in American Literature following the 1920s. With the production of The Great Gatsby the literature world was turned on its head and left to dry.  During that era there was a group of writers that lead the pack and they are as follows:  Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, and T.S. Eliot, and of course F. Scott Fitzgerald. This pack of writers would actually meet up together to critic one another’s work. I find that amazing and so interesting cause I would never think of any writers that would sit down with each other and made sure that one novel would do so well. It’s outstanding to picture all those creative minds in one room just pooling their ideas. It gives me goose bumps. We have to understand the time period in which this novel was written. It was a time of trouble and depression especially after the war. So for a author to come out of the shadows in a shady time and scared era and produce such masterpiece was something for the history books.

- Adam Appugliesi

Character Analysis: Nick Carraway

Nick Carraway is an interesting character. He is truly the voice of the author and has a big influence in Gatsby’s life.  Nick is by Gatsby’s side all the time in the later part of the novel and really guides Gatsby into making the correct choices. Gatsby’s trusts nick and want him to know everything about him. In my eyes Nick seems to gain affection for Gatsby because of the life he lives. I say this because Nick is so worked up in understanding Gatsby’s life and is always trying to come to the bottom of Gatsby’s history. Nick is the perfect fit for a narrator because he has the right attributes. Nick is a calm and consoling character who always has an open heart and mind to everyone else’s ideas. In result this allows Gatsby and Jordan Baker to open up to him so that he can figure out what is going on in their lives.

- Adam Appugliesi