
Monday 30 April 2012

Testing The Waters.

Well I hope this damn thing works...I am a Carraway after all so we are known for a work hard quality. Any who I don't want to babble on but I've have just landed in the wonderful East and I am more than excited to take over in the bond business. First things first I must find some rooms in the city...there was this kind man at work that suggested we shack up together...not like that of course but because of simple fact that this is a commuting town. 

Just set up shop in the new home and I must say this whole West Egg lifestyle is something alright. I live by some ignoramus home that is looked after by a family named the Gatsby's...Interesting home to say the least.

Ahh...East Egg is where my heart is. I drove over there this evening to have dinner with the Tom Buchanans. Daisy was my second cousin once removed, and I'd known Tom in college. After the war i spent a couple days with them in Chicago.

Huh, Tommy boy is really living the life over there on the East Egg...

Some lady...Miss Baker if my memory serves me correct was at dinner tonight...She was a character alright but she did seem kind of bored after dinner and didn't care for what was being said. Then again she is a Golfer so her life can’t be to exciting..

Mr.Gatsby made a cameo during the night but not for long as for when I stepped out it had seem that he vanished in to the dark night...spooky?

Till we meet again "Blog"....Take Care.